Valley Metro














The Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council provides public transportation in urbanized and non-urbanized areas of the lower Rio Grande Valley through its transit department, Valley Metro. Valley Metro operates routes in the following communities:


Hidalgo County
Alamo, Alton, Donna, Edcouch, Elsa, Edinburg, Hargill, La Blanca, La Joya, Mercedes, Mission, Palmhurst, Palmview, Pharr, San Carlos, San Juan, Sullivan City, Weslaco
Main transfer hub: McAllen Central Station (downtown McAllen)
Service hours are typically Monday - Saturday, from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Office Number: 1.800.574.8322
Attached Document or FileValley Metro Route 20 | Mission - McAllen Valley Metro Route 20 | Mission - McAllen
Official Website of City of Palmhurst, Texas. Copyright 2012 City of Palmhurst, Texas. All Rights Reserved.