Deferred Disposition


If you are interested in Deferred Dispostion to have your citation dismissed, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be at least 25 years old
  • Not hold a Commercial Drivers License (CDL)
  • Have not committed one of the following offenses:
      • Failure to give information at Accident Scene
      • Leaving the scene of accident
      • Passing a school bus
      • An offense in a in a construction zone, when workers were present.

If you meet the above criteria, you may request a deferred disposition on or before your appearance date on your citation. (Any request after your appearance date must be approved by the Judge.) 


When you make your request, you must provide the court the following two items:

  1. Full payment of court costs and special expense fee
  2. A written plea of either guilty or no contest. 

The disposition of the case will be deferred for a time limit not to exceed 180 days.


In order for the citation to be dismissed, you must not commit any offense against the laws of the State of Texas or the United States while your case is deferred.


Failure to comply with the terms of deferral will result in the conviction being reported to DPS.

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